I glanced at the clock , 5:40 pm as I remember it , that was when I reluctantly chose to face death. I was prepared to wrestle with the tigers. It was just a few days ago when my mother enquired when I planned to wrestle with the tigers , my reply had 'teamwork' carefully hidden in it but my mother heard the teamwork bit crystal clear. "You are in high school and you can't cover your textbooks by yourself?" Clearly I had to go solo on this mission. I came out of my reverie and saw my textbooks stacked in a pile on the table and the roll of brown paper lay on the floor standing tall. The referee in my head announced "On this chair , weighing who knows how many pounds, we have - Aishwarya!" The audience cheered. "On the table, also weighing who knows how many pounds, we have - the books and brown paper also known as the tigers!" The audience booed. TING TING TING - Round 1. Snipping, Sticking, folding and of course my occasional sighs of frustration. It was 9 textbooks and 1 roll of brown paper versus one human girl. Talk about being outnumbered but luckily I did have help from a pair of scissors and sticky tape. The tigers were very stubborn but somehow I managed to take care of a few. TING TING TING - Round 2! The tigers unleashed their latest trick to the audience - the deadly air bubbles! Whats worse ? I realized that my poor 'wrestling'(covering books) skills contributed to the air bubbles. But I somehow tackled a few more 'tigers'(books) despite their new trick. 6 down 3 to go. TING TING TING - Round 3! As our wrestling match continued the tigers kept producing air bubbles. Finally it was down to one tiger and as expected it produced an air bubble. I pinned the tiger down to deal with the air bubble. " One ..…Two….Three! And we have a winner!" The clock said 7:40 pm by the time I was done wrestling with the tigers. I walked away from the table content with my performance. Another day , Another accomplishment!