Welcome one and welcome all
to the city.
The only stars you see here are illuminated windows in tall towers
and the twinkling red beacons upon their tops
warning the insomniac metal birds of night sky.
Watch as skyscrapers shoot up and pierce the sky.
Scaffolding is torn down
a new building takes birth like chick hatched from its egg.
And there beyond the horizon, construction cranes steal glances lovingly.
When the sky grows grey
and the water washes down metal spires and glass panels
it pools along the edges of roads with the luminescence
of neon lit boards and street lights.
The sirens from ambulances and police cars,
vehicles zooming past on the tarmac
and a hundred hushed conversations
chime into one melodious symphony.
Electric lines, water lines, drainage lines run beneath the ground
pulsing like nerves, arteries and veins beneath the skin.
Lives here are disconnected and solitary.
Eyes that dodge that of others, indifference but to their own
and an existence that fades away into oblivion.
Welcome one and welcome all
to the city.
to the city.
The only stars you see here are illuminated windows in tall towers
and the twinkling red beacons upon their tops
warning the insomniac metal birds of night sky.
Watch as skyscrapers shoot up and pierce the sky.
Scaffolding is torn down
a new building takes birth like chick hatched from its egg.
And there beyond the horizon, construction cranes steal glances lovingly.
When the sky grows grey
and the water washes down metal spires and glass panels
it pools along the edges of roads with the luminescence
of neon lit boards and street lights.
The sirens from ambulances and police cars,
vehicles zooming past on the tarmac
and a hundred hushed conversations
chime into one melodious symphony.
pulsing like nerves, arteries and veins beneath the skin.
Lives here are disconnected and solitary.
Eyes that dodge that of others, indifference but to their own
and an existence that fades away into oblivion.
Welcome one and welcome all
to the city.