October 1, 2011

The Clock ticks on....

The Big Ben in London, the Rajabai Tower in Mumbai, the Spasskaya Tower in Moscow, Torre dell'Orologio in Venice, the Zytglogge in Switzerland, these are some of the many clock towers chiming away across the globe at present. In this very second, there are millions of clocks and watches ticking away all over the world, even as you are reading this there is probably one ticking away right next to you. Most of the time we are deaf to the ticking but very often we rest our eyes upon its face. Hoping that time would go slower, to relish a beautiful moment or maybe to finish whats undone. Sometimes we beg for it to move faster, to get through something as fast as possible, or maybe so that an awaited moment may reach the present faster. It ticks on, unaffected by the wishes of others, it doesn't compromise itself to receive acceptance or praise of others. One minute continues to be sixty-seconds whether we like it or not. Sometimes its ticks are drowned in the background but when silence is cast its voice is more profound and loud. Maybe it was trying to say something all along. It ticks on in monotony, as though its parroting something. It speaks in a language we humans are yet to master - the language of ticks. Most of the time its 'words' are lost in translation. Maybe its ticks are serving as a reminder of scheduled obligations or alerting people about a waste of time. It continues to tick away, maybe synchronizing to the rhythm of a heart beat or breathing. The needles continue to make their rounds, the incessant ticking accompanying it like a companion on a long journey. Maybe its beckoning for people to hear what it has to say, a message of importance. For how long have we considered it to be a mute, incapable of conveying feelings? And why this false assumption when its screams to be heard every second as it ticks on? Maybe each tick translates into "now". NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. "Say what needs to be said NOW, do what needs to be done NOW, find happiness NOW". We often participate in indefinite waits and as we do the clock ticks away. How often are we waiting and wasting time? Waiting for the right moment, for inspiration, for someone like-minded to encourage or support us and the list goes on. Act now, while the ticking exists.The clock's ticks are numbered, one day it would stop, it maybe repaired or it may not be repaired. But can the same be said for ourselves? Perhaps thats what the great time keepers are trying to tell us. And the clock ticks on…

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