August 16, 2010

10 things that don't have a price tag

1. Nature's tears of joy: As the first few drops fall downwards, the smiles that spread across many faces as the pitter - patter gets more audible, the change in the colour of everything open to nature's tears of joy. If the water from the heavenly abode had a price tag then I am sure all of us from Dubai would pay anything to have it to sprinkle down more often here.

2. Time : Don't we all know this one. Even if you turn the hour glass upside down just as the last grains of sand are about to trickle down, you will not get time back. Blank cheques are completely useless to purchase time too.

3. True friendship : It may be hard to find, it may take time to realize you have it but when you have it, you know you're lucky. Such friends leave an everlasting impression on you.

4. Encouragement: Encouragement is something I value greatly and I know encouragement is something that comes from within and does wonders.

5. Enjoying music: It may or may not cost you to listen to it but to enjoy and feel it on every level of your being and attach some good memories to it, you don't need a dime.

6. A good day: Getting up in the morning feeling energized and refreshed is all you need to have a good day. It's something everyone wants but vicious beliefs have lead people to believe that it visits as rarely as when tooth fairies visit children.

7. Talent: It can't be bought or sold, from interest its cultivated like a seedling and one day blooms into a beautiful flower and unveils itself to the world.

8. Praise that comes from the heart: It makes you feel good, it makes you feel special and most of the times its impossible to forget. You wish you could re-live such moments but for all you know there are many more to come.

9. Feeling good about yourself : It doesn't matter if you're wearing Gucci, Armani or just your old pajamas because ultimately theres no price to like the person you see in the mirror.

10. Inspiration : Everyone gets inspired by different things. Different things inspire us at different times, most of us have a new muse everyday.Inspiration is like the spark that ignites a fire.