It was a Sunday afternoon, I was hanging out at a mall with two friends of mine. A ritual always followed when we hang out - devouring every edible item within a close radius! Our previous picks were ice cream, pasta, magic corn but this time our pick was The Great Molten Chocolate Lava Cake. 'The Great' part was added by me to emphasize how great it was. The name lets your imagination run wild and you imagine a lip smacking desert. You'd be wrong if thats what you imagined because it was much more than that!
We took a seat at Chilli's. The ambience was incredible. There was music being played, soft but loud enough not to be drowned out by conversations. A basket ball match was being played on a t.v over head. The walls were adorned with pictures. We ordered the cake and an old fashioned chocolate shake. Later the cake arrived and our chatter was silenced. Mounted on a zig - zag pattern of chocolate sauce, there it stood, at the base was a chocolate cake with a core of steamy molten chocolate and on the cake, a scope of vanilla ice cream concealed by a layer of frozen chocolate over it! I am still debating in my head if it was a hallelujah moment or not.
The plan was simple - start at the bottom and work your way up the heavenly structure. We seized our spoons ready to attack. The clashes between the metal spoons and the plate resulted in several clanks followed by a chorus "MMMMMmmmmmm". As we cut through the cake the molten chocolate began spewing out. When the cake was in my mouth, my eyes closed, it felt like I was cut off from all my senses except taste for I was completely lost in the pleasure. I can literally taste the cake in my mouth as I describe it. They say looks maybe deceptive but not in this case. More clanks and more mmmmmmm's. Soon we had successfully dismantled and devoured the cake from its heavenly structure. There stood the scope of ice cream , solitary with its armor - the layer of frozen chocolate. It almost seemed as if the scope of ice cream had surrendered for its defeat was inevitable.
With my mighty spoon in hand, I cut through the layer of hard and frozen chocolate then more clanks and mmm's and we were done. Next on our list to devour was the old fashioned chocolate shake. That too was a truely chocolaty delight but the Molten Chocolate Lava Cake was a tough act to follow. It was the ultimate chocolate fantasy. I do hope this made my readers mouth watering-ly envious!
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